Every once in a while its strange how we gain a sudden realization our tinyness and His awesomeness; especially when faced with the death of a loved one. We had a similar experience when a friend of ours went to be with the Lord 2 days ago (diagnosed with Leukemia in the final stage) - Haeirisim Nemwe, aged 26, pursuing his research in Linguistics at the Hyderabad Central University.
For those who knew Harri (as we all used to call him), he was a prayerful guy, quiet, dependent on the Lord but above all else, a nice guy; for his sorrow and suffering churned him to loving people.
And when faced with such a sudden death, its amazing how we realize that the very breath that we take for granted is not in our control. We get so caught up with our lives and ourselves that we completely miss out on what God is trying to do. We forget the big picture of how our great Lord, God Almighty chooses to fit us into that tiny gap in the puzzle of the great mystery called life in order to achieve that purpose for which we were created by Him.
I've always been puzzled to a certain extent about the term the good Lord uses for His name during His conversation with Moses (Exo 33) - I AM! Its always seemed spectacular to me that He would refer to Himself as I AM. Until one day i had a revelation about the same. Around a year ago, my father passed away. And i remember how striking it was that in less than a day's time, we were referring to him with was in our conversations (he was...). But with God, we can never say He was; its always He is... and will be. He who holds time in His hands can never be the past tense. He IS (and always will be) - I AM!
Our God, the great I AM; praise be to Thee! For we are to happy keep our hope in Thee alone, the giver of life, the creator of the heaven and earth and all that is therein. (Psa 146: 6-10).
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