Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do we celebrate of observe Gud Friday?

I was having a discussion with a dear one today who doesn't know Christ. She asked me if we will be observing Gud Friday tomorrow? My answer shocked and puzzled her; when i told her that we celebrate Gud Friday.

What's the difference you might ask. If you and i go to church on tomorrow without truly understanding what it is about, attend service and come back after meeting, greeting and eating; we have then successfully observed Gud Friday.

We, i believe are called to celebrate Gud Friday. Celebrate His death on the Cross that gave us life in turn. Yes it is a sad incident; but it was through that sacrifice we received life everlasting. Not just that, but through that sacrifice He made on the cross, you and i are able to live because He is in charge of our lives no matter what is happening. 'Coz of that sacrifice, we have a hope and a future; a plan to prosper us and not to harm us. We then have much more than we can ever ask for or imagine; for He will provide us all of our needs. Through that sacrifice on the cross, i have a direct audience with Holy God and am able to communicate with Him; as a child would his / her father. But most importantly, because of His sacrifice on the cross, He becomes if we allow Him the lover of our souls and our very best friend for life!

What more can we ask for? He is our best friend; and God is for us, who can stand against us? We will celebrate Gud Friday; the day when my dear Lord died for me on that cross; so that i will never know what my sin cost.

Have a blessed Gud Friday everyone.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jobless and Loving It

I haven't been upto much work over the last 2 months. And so have had a lot of time to spend with family and friends. It is blessing to say the least to get this kind of time with the family.

Got me thinking, how come we get caught up in the trap where we seem to not find time for the things dat we love the most as we age and go on in life.

The Bible is very clear dat God was the one who created man in His image and initiated the 1st family unit (Gen 1,2). The family was specifically created for companionship, procreation and nurture; the very things d world today doesn't seem to be paying any attention to and even insists dat it is d order of the old world and therefore not applicable today. But it is very much in line with what the Bible instructs us to do - keep God first, family second and career last. Wish somebody would do a research to show just how successful dis model can be even today. Take for example the story of Mary Kay Cosmetics.

Anyways, i'm glad he has given me the time to realize i need to constantly realign myself with Him 1st in order to keep my family 2nd and my career last.

Just a few random moments spent with family during this time: Click for Pix.
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